Monday 29 February 2016

Unit 16 - A3 - Film evaluation

30 - 45 Film evaluation

For our short 45 second edited sequence, I believe that we displayed and successfully used the following techniques, 180' degree rule, match on action, shot reverse-shot. I believe we successfully used these techniques in our  short film. However I believe the technique that we could of worked on would be our graphic match. It looked a bit unprofessional and it is something we need need to improve on in the future.

I believe that we used the 180' degree rule very effectively throughout this short film. During the conversation we made sure that we didn't break the rule. We made sure that both characters stayed on the same side of the invisible line which the camera wasn't allowed to go over. The audience would have been disorientated as the camera was focused on each of the character when they was speaking. Therefore I believe that we done quite a good job with our 180' degree rule as we kept it consistent throughout and we didn't break it.

I believe that the match on action in our short film was also good. During our film, both the characters walk through doors and it flows really well as you can't tell whether there has been a cut. This was done successfully as during the editing stage we was very precise in putting the shots together to make sure that it flows. The continuity was also good throughout the film. I personally believe that we could of used a different amount of shots as we used the same tracking shot for both characters. It may have been more interesting for the audience to see two different types of shots for two clearly different characters.

I believe the shot reverse shot was done very successfully during this film. Throughout this film we constantly kept switching between the characters when one of them was speaking. We used the over the shoulder shot throughout to film to see the face of the other character when one of them is speaking. This was used to see whether the characters were listening to each other throughout the film. I believe that we displayed this technique more effectively than any technique.

However in this short film we didn't use parallel editing. This is an editing technique where you show two events that are happening at the same time. During the editing stage we didn't consider this. We could have done this as in the beginning both characters are working through doors at the same time, we could have used parallel editing to show this. I believe that this something we should consider in future projects. This could potentially affect our grade for the unit as we didn't use one of the techniques that are required.

Finally, I believe that the graphic match in our film wasn't done very well. I believe that we filmed it at a very weird angle and the two objects which we needed to frame weren't fitted very well. This made the graphic match quite poor and of a low standard. I believe that we could have made sure that the objects were framed better and this could of potentially helped to make our graphic match look better.

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